"Educational equity in the learning system of teaching creativity in scientific techniques by stimulating the creative insights of students in rural areas"


Education plays an essential role in improving human resources. Through education, we create a generation of superior and competitive nations in terms of quality to face future challenges. One substantial capital to improve the quality of life of individuals, communities, and countries is to improve education. The quality of education in remote rural areas in the current era is very concerning. Efforts to improve the balance of education in Indonesia are certainly influenced by several inhibiting factors and challenges that will be worked on. One of the inhibiting factors in improving education in Indonesia is the teacher's teaching method which is very monotonous and lacks creativity in learning. The willingness and ability of teachers to use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) are very low.

The government still needs to pay attention to the progress of education in rural areas, so the knowledge advancement system of rural children needs to be improved. Comparison of sophisticated learning systems between urban children is more advanced than rural children, whose education system still needs to improve, and there needs to be more support from the government. Only now, children in rural areas are very far behind in terms of knowledge and information about the times due to a lack of education, the internet, and upbringing by a teacher. The issue of educational problems for urban children is higher than that of rural children, which is very significant. This gap is an educational problem, especially in Indonesia. Many cases of educational disparities occur in urban and rural areas. This problem can be seen from the number of teaching staff in urban and rural schools because the number of teachers in urban areas is more significant than in rural areas. This is due to the low interest of a teacher in teaching in rural areas due to a student's lack of knowledge and creativity during the learning process. In addition, the education gap between urban and rural areas can also be seen in the sophisticated facilities owned by urban education. This is inversely proportional to schools in rural areas that need better facilities and incompetent teaching staff due to the low interest of a teacher in teaching in rural areas due to a student's lack of knowledge and creativity during the learning process. In addition, the education gap between urban and rural areas can also be seen in the sophisticated facilities owned by urban education. This is inversely proportional to schools in rural areas with poor facilities and incompetent teaching staff, due to the low interest of a teacher in teaching in rural areas due to a student's lack of knowledge and creativity during the learning process. In addition, the education gap between urban and rural areas can also be seen in the sophisticated facilities owned by urban education. This is inversely proportional to schools in rural areas with poor facilities and incompetent teaching staff.

In this day and age, there are many obstacles that Indonesia needs to face regarding education. Many children today in rural areas are very enthusiastic about pursuing higher education in the country and abroad; curiosity and a sense of enthusiasm in achieving dreams are a priority for the lives of children in rural areas. However, on the contrary, it becomes a delusion for them to reach their goals. A person's success will never be separated from the potential possessed by that person, potential in the sense that it does not only talk about skills but includes the ability of a person to implement the potential he has for many people so that he can manage himself and others.

Education is part of all activities of the people of the nation and state. Therefore, education is one of the ideals of a nation. Therefore, educational activities must be managed and organized because then education must be a means of realizing the nation's ideals.

In developing the potential of students, it is necessary to instill the formation of a strong character. Because of this, character education is expected to form good morals and can reduce and overcome the bad morals that occur in society. One factor that weakens Indonesian education is the need for good character education. In this case, the Indonesian nation is experiencing an excellent moral crisis. We can see examples such as drug addiction, violence, gambling, drug addiction, pornography, and corruption.

Creating quality resources is only possible if we create quality education. Quality education is education that can develop all the skills of students. Quality education can create generations of potential workers when it achieves its goals.

The problem with implementing education for the learning process in rural areas is the poor quality of teachers. The situation of teachers in rural areas is also very concerning. Most teachers still need to gain adequate professional skills to fulfill their duties as stated in Article 39 of Law no. 20 of 2003, namely lesson planning, learning delivery, assessment of learning outcomes, mentoring, training, research, and community service. Even the teacher does not alone determine the success of education and teaching, which is the central point of education and qualifications as a reflection of the quality of a teacher to have a fair character in the quality of education, which is his responsibility. The low level of teacher welfare also influences the low quality of teachers and counselors.

Several children not attending school according to education level and area of ​​residence from elementary school/equivalent, junior high school/equivalent, and high school/equivalent. In residential areas in urban areas, especially elementary school children in 2019, the number of children not attending school in 2019 was 0.48%, in 2022 it was 0.31% and in 2021 it was 0.34%. In rural areas in 2019, it was 1.28%, in 2020 it was 0.98%, in 2021 it was 1.04%. Meanwhile, combined data on the number of children not attending school in urban and rural areas, in 2019 it was 0.85%, in 2022 it was 0.62%, in 2021 it was 0.65%. Furthermore, the number of children not attending school in urban residential areas at the junior high school level, in 2019 was 5.18%, in 2020 it was 5.83%, and in 2021 it was 5.29%. In rural areas in 2019, it was 8.97%, in 2022 it was 9, 02% and in 2021 it will be 8.62%. Meanwhile, the combination of urban and rural areas in 2019 was 6.92%, in 2020 it was 7.29% and in 2021 it was 6.77%. This is a problem that challenges both the government and the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. The strategies and actions that will be taken to increase public awareness about education are a priority for Indonesia.


The success of learning cannot be separated from the presence of the teacher in the classroom. The issue of the importance of teachers supporting the learning process is one of the goals of Sustainable Development (SDG), which is to significantly increase the supply of quality teachers by 2030, including international cooperation in teacher training, especially in developing countries and less developed countries. The indicator is the percentage of teachers who meet the qualifications according to national standards divided by their level of education. This indicator provides information on teacher quality and monitors efforts by central and local regulations to improve teaching quality. In SDG Social Pillar Metadata Edition II,

In the 2021/2022 school year, the number of elementary and junior high school teachers has almost reached 3 million. Most teachers work at the primary school level, with 1.6 million teachers. At the same time, secondary school teachers are roughly half of the primary school teachers, ie. H.700,000 teachers. It is different with junior high school teachers and professional teachers whose number is still smaller than the number of elementary school teachers. The situation for the 2021/2022 school year shows that the number of teachers has decreased quite significantly in the past year. The decline occurred at all levels of education. Despite the trend of the previous school year, the teaching profession remains in great demand, as evidenced by the increasing number of teachers at all levels of education in the 2020/2021 school year (Education Statistics 2021). The number of primary school teachers that experienced the greatest decline was around 78.

The higher the level of education, the higher the dropout rate. In general, one in 1,000 people drop out of primary school. This percentage is lower than the dropout rate at the SMP/equivalent and SMA/equivalent levels. Out of 1,000 residents with secondary/equivalent education, 10 dropped out of school. Meanwhile, the proportion of dropouts at the SM/equivalent level was 13 out of 1,000 SMA/equivalent students. Judging from the type of region, there is a disparity between urban and rural areas, where rural areas have higher dropout rates than urban areas. Children living in cities have better access to a school than children in rural areas. Meanwhile, the dropout rate for boys was also higher than for girls at all levels of education. One of the political directions set out in the 2020-2024 RPJMN is the management of compulsory school-age children (ATS) through accelerated implementation. Carrying out 12 years of compulsory education. Through this program, it is hoped that all school-age children who are not in school can return to school and that access to quality education will be equitable.

Recommendations for schools and teachers on improving learning and creativity systems by asking about the need to use learning resources in the school environment on pedagogical aspects to effectively support the achievement of efficient curriculum goals. In addition, learning resources and learning environments should be used that encourage people to dare to do things that are well thought out. Furthermore, developing student creativity must be done by providing opportunities to create freely and responsibly without hindering other actions. In addition, different learning models are needed to increase teacher creativity in the classroom and student learning creativity at school and home.

On this problem, a teacher in a rural school has an innovative and creative strategy to build knowledge and modern learning techniques for students. The ability of a teacher needs to be considered to provide a good teaching effect and high insight for students to follow the learning process according to the potential possessed by the teacher. Several solutions to improve teacher quality and professionalism include:

(1) strict selection of prospective students;

(2) developing the skills of teaching staff through training;

(3) perfecting the curriculum by adapting local content materials in the local area;

(4) Development of facilities and infrastructure to create a pleasant learning atmosphere;

(5) improving school management to achieve budget efficiency;

(6) An organization to maintain the quality of education providers is formed with the support of institutions authorized to administer quality assurance, including the Education Quality Assurance Agency, the National Accreditation Board for Madrasah Schools (BAN-SM). and independent agencies. With this, the target to be achieved in increasing the creativity of a student in learning is

  1. Observation

The first step in this learning method is observation. Students can use their five senses to observe events around them based on what they have learned. This observation activity can be in the form of multimedia, news, videos, or direct. The purpose of this step is for students to find a problem that has no solution. Here the teacher can help students to solve the problem.

  1. Question (Question)

After observation, students were asked to ask various questions related to learning that they did not understand. Questions can be conceptual knowledge, facts, or hypotheses. At this stage, the teacher is expected to show a mature willingness to choose a method or choice of media that is appropriate to the characteristics of the students and related to the material so that students remain interested and enthusiastic about participating in these activities.

  1. Collecting or trying to collect data (experiments)

This step can be done by researching or gathering information from various sources in different ways, including experimenting, discussing, presenting, reading books, searching the internet, collecting information through questionnaires, interviewing sources, etc. At this stage, the teacher is also expected to be able to guide student learning references in data collection.

  1. Data processing or analysis (association)

In this phase, students are asked to use existing data to solve problems. The teacher acts as a guide and facilitator to enable students to combine the collected information to conclusions. This activity is carried out so that students can analyze the work done and compare the results of their work with other students. In addition, at this stage, the teacher can evaluate two facts or concepts to develop interpretations, arguments, and conclusions related to that knowledge.

  1. Communication (Communication)

The last phase is the time for students to communicate the learning outcomes that have been completed. Students can communicate it in the form of reports or articles that contain graphs, charts, or diagrams. Students consistently and systematically elaborate on the results obtained from the process, from results to conclusions, presenting them orally in front of the class. After that, the teacher can contribute, emphasize, and correct, so that students understand what happened in-depth and comprehensively. Teachers can also guide students to decide on important issues that can be decided before class presentations begin.

Psychological factors also play a major role in achieving children's learning outcomes, such as motivation, attitude, learning discipline, and others determine the smoothness of learning. Therefore handling must be careful and systematic. The things that motivate a person to learn are the quality of curiosity and wanting to explore the wider world, Humans have a creative nature and the desire to always move forward, the desire to get sympathy from parents, teachers, and friends, wanting to correct past mistakes through new efforts, both with cooperatives and with competition, wanting to feel safe in facing groups and at the end of learning there is a reward or punishment.

Academic learning objectives scientific technique is

1. Improve higher-order thinking skills

One of the goals of this learning method is to improve students' high-level thinking skills. It's about higher thinking skills, ie. critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, and the ability to generate ideas related to the study material.

2. Improved systems thinking

In addition to improving higher-order thinking skills, students are expected to have the ability to think coherently and systematically after learning with this scientific learning method. This model then encourages students to understand problems and solve problems.

3. Improve understanding of the concept

In learning, students are not only expected to be able to remember the concepts they have learned. But beyond that, students must be able to understand the concept in depth. Therefore, academic learning is necessary, because learning activities always challenge students to independently discover and develop concepts.

4. Improve communication skills

In addition to the three things above, scientific learning aims to encourage students to communicate more actively by conveying ideas, discussing problem-solving, discussing computing, and communicating learning outcomes orally and in writing.

5. Create a conducive learning environment

Scientifically it is expected that learning through several systematically planned activities can create a conducive learning environment. Student-centered learning activities such as this method are also expected to create an active and productive learning environment.

6. Increase motivation to learn

This scientific learning method aims to increase student motivation while having fun. Learning activities that require activeness and innovation can also create a non-monotonous learning atmosphere so students don't get bored.

The development target that will be carried out to build cooperation in improving education in Indonesia is that schools, the government, and the community work together to develop the nation through education. The Importance of Education for the future of rural children who lack learning knowledge at school. The government in this case pays special attention to the development of education in remote rural areas. The government's development program is to improve infrastructure and provide special services for children in villages in teaching their special appropriate education. The government must also cooperate with various related parties to maximize the state budget.

The next development is to increase the interest of a teacher to teach in rural areas. Teachers have an important role in advancing the world of education. The most important factor in overcoming this is paying attention to the allocation of funds, supporting facilities, and infrastructure. The central government and local governments must collaborate to establish cooperation by deploying qualified teachers to villages so that the quality of education in remote rural areas can keep up with education in urban areas. By supporting this program, the government can prepare wider incentives for outstanding teachers who want to teach in villages. Education is tied to a scale of priorities for the local government's development agenda. Education development in remote areas must be fair, participatory, and integrated so that the current quality gap can be overcome in the not-too-distant future. Alleviating the quality of education in remote rural areas is the responsibility of the regional government itself, but the central government has more role in facilitating and coordinating this problem.






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